
CO/CREATE Immersive Exhibition
Rejoignez-nous le 1er août de 17h à 21h pour le vernissage de l'exposition immersive de l'édition 2024 de CO/CREATE. Répondant au thème de la post-réalité, dix artistes en résidence présentent leurs expériences de réalité virtuelle. Ces œuvres collaboratives examinent notre réalité actuelle en évolution rapide, en se penchant sur des réflexions existentielles, des futurs post-humains spéculatifs, les liens entre la culture numérique et le complexe militaro-industriel, et le croisement du naturel et de l'artificiel.

Local Spin- Tati au Miel
Save the date! Next Friday artist in residence Tati au Miel will be hosting a DJ workshop here at the studio! Experimental mixing methods to be explored!

CO/CREATE – Immersive Workshops @ SAT
Last month CO/CREATE touched down at the Society of Arts and Technology for a four-part series of workshops on immersive audio-visual creation. Artist had the opportunity to experiment with their collaborative projects and learn about creating spatial audio and 360° content for the dome.

Sound Studio Memberships
We are currently accepting applications for new sound studio members. Send us a DM on instagram or email for more information.

Composite #38
World Creation Studio had the opportunity to participate in Composite #38 to talk about the CO/CREATE residency!

INVISIBLE Festival – Brussels
This past March, two former CO/CREATE residents (Ahmed Drebika & Melannie Jonas-Ng) flew to Brussel’s INVISIBLE Festival to showcase the immersive VR artwork they created during the last edition of the residency. Click here if you want to learn more about last year’s CO/CREATE projects!

Local Spin- Odile Myrtil
Join us next Wednesday from 6-9pm for our DJ workshop Local Spin hosted this month by Odile Myrtil!

Deep Listening Study Circle
Exploring listening through different forms of movement, sound, and dreaming, Ludwig Berger will lead a study group on Tuesday evenings for practicing Deep Listening after the composer Pauline Oliveros. The workshop is now at full capacity, so stay tuned for other workshops and events to come!