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Object A

Taoyu Chen, Jorge Luis García González, Bayleigh Maissoneuve

Object A is an exploration of repetition and difference, a surreal, ever-changing environment without rules or restrictions. A playful reflection upon the cyclical nature of society and history, the experience encourages audiences to navigate a dynamic world that proposes ‘total freedom’, as they fly through fragmented sculptures, music and sounds that form a composition dispersed throughout it. By creating a captivating interplay between individuality and shared experience, Object A finds poetry within the chaotic, fluid world it conveys.

Taoyu Chen is a multidisciplinary artist from China based in Montreal.  Currently pursuing an MFA in Intermedia Cyber Arts at Concordia University, his work spans robotics ,immersive installation, and web-based art. With a background in public art and a keen interest in emerging technologies, he is particularly interested in the ways that technology can be used to create new forms of communication and interaction, and invites audiences to explore how our perceptions of the world are shaped by the interplay between art, technology, and society.

Born in Mexico City, Jorge L. Garcia is an artist and researcher working in the domains of recording, sound design and composition. Investigating memory, duration, and environment, his research is occupied with exploring the furthest, yet integral properties of sound phenomena. He creates soundscapes aiming to address the immersive capacity innate to the sound experience as a means of expanding horizons in sound technology and mediation. Jorge is currently completing a Bachelor of Digital Music at the University of Montreal (CA)

Bayleigh Maissoneuve is a producer and photographer based in Montreal. His music is a unique mixture of trap, electronic and pop production, with sounds ranging from hard hitting energetic club tracks to deep, sample-based introspective beats. His passion for music extends to photography, where Bayleigh aims to capture the same energy and emotion through captivating portraits of the many faces of Montreal’s vibrant underground music scene.